Dear Students, Colleagues,
Each of us would like to be asked about an idea to change the environment in which we live. The following survey gives you that opportunity. It will only take 15 minutes to answer your questions.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the predominance of economic pragmatics has been noticed. Priorities defined by state policy began to diverge from earlier social preferences favoring regaining independence and political freedom. The observed change is puzzling about young people’s attitude to humanistic values ​​valued by their grandparents and their parents.
The direction of changes (transformations) can be assessed based on your answers to the questions concerning the issues of „cultural heritage”. The results of the anonymous survey will help redefine the role of cultural heritage resources in determining the directions of sustainable development of regions.
I encourage you to share your opinions and thank you very much for taking the time to answer the following survey questions.

Thank you

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